Is Your TMJ Causing You Discomfort?

Little Rock AR Family DentistYour temporomandibular joint, or otherwise known as TMJ, can cause you pain and discomfort. Often times the discomfort is associated with the locking, tightening, clicking or stress on the side of your jaw region in your mouth. This joint connects each side of your jaw to your skull. The strategic location of this joint allows it to control your mouth and jaw movements such as, opening and closing, side-to side and chewing motions.

When your TMJ is compromised, it can cause a condition called TMD to arise. TMD is temporomandibular disorder. This disorder can be caused by numerous factors.

Factors that could cause your TMD include:


To relieve some of the painful symptoms of TMJ you may try:


If you are experiencing TMJ pain, there is hope for you. Dr. Wyant and his team at Smile Arkansas offer TMJ treatment for patients like you! He will assess your case thoroughly and suggest a customized dental treatment for your TMJ discomfort.

Posted on Behalf of Smile Arkansas

The information provided in this article is not meant to be medical advice and is for educational purposes only. If you would like to learn more about this and other dentistry-related topics, feel free to contact Smile Arkansas, with a convenient dental office location near Bryant, AR, by clicking here or by calling 501.821.4200.

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